Calculating basic territory indicators

For user-defined territories you may calculate basic indicators. These indicators include Link length and Number of served stops, for example.

The calculation regards the boundaries of territories precisely – in the case of links for example, just the portion of the link that lies within a territory is counted (Fundamentals: Territories).

Notes: For a complete list of indicators provided, please refer to the files IndicatorSource.xls and IndicatorAvailability.xls in the ...\Programs\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\Doc\Eng directory.

For public transport in particular, further indicators can be calculated (Carrying out the procedure PuT operating indicators).

1.  From the Calculate menu, choose Procedure sequence.

The Procedure sequence window opens.

2.  Add the procedure Territory indicators from the Miscellaneous category to the given order of procedures in the procedure sequence (Setting up and starting the procedure sequence).

3.  Execute the procedure (Executing procedures in the procedure sequence).

The territory indicators are calculated. The results can be found in the list of territories (Opening a list).

Note: The territory indicators VehKmTravPrT (Vehicle kilometers traveled PrT) and VehHourTravPrT (Vehicle hours traveled PrT tCur and t0) are calculated with link and turn times, but do not contain the connectors.